Backup and Disaster Recovery
With some of the largest household names in the UK/USA hitting the headlines recently as victims of ransomware or cyber-security attacks and other such nasties (NHS, Royal Mail, Caesars/MGM Casinos, Travelex , The Guardian, even the UK Electoral Commission!) -It should go without saying that making sure all your company data is protected in one way or another at all costs. With the average cost of a cyber-attack/breach for healthcare/finance in the region of £8.4m and £4.6m per breach, respectively, it’s not a situation any business would want to find themselves in.
Unfortunately, it’s a massive misconception that just because your data is ‘in the cloud’, it must be backed up. Sadly this is not the case and is often overlooked in most scenarios, usually after the result of a security breach/incident or data loss!
Here at South West IT, we like to take an all-encompassing approach to data security, making sure your data is protected from all potential avenues of attack. As mundane as it sounds, our job is always to plan for the worst and imagine the worst-case scenario – Then provide bulletproof solutions to avoid this from happening.
Backup and disaster recovery involves periodically creating or updating one more copies of files, storing them in one or more remote locations, and using the copies to continue or resume business operations in the event of data loss due to file damage, data corruption, cyberattack or natural disaster.
Whether your data lives on-premise, is a physical server or a virtualized workload – We can back it up securely & reliably to provide peace of mind that your data is safe, no matter what happens – Allowing you to sleep sound at night without having to worry.
We provide best in class immutable backup solutions for almost all types of services and devices. Our Disaster recovery as a service(DRaaS) is a cloud based service model the allows us to keep your precious organisational data safe. This will allow us to swiftly regain access to your critical data and systems and offer a resilient and robust recovery service.
Unfortunately, there are almost too many options to list in one place as no two clients are the same – However we do encourage you to use the contact button below to speak to one of our experts who will be more than happy to assess your environment and provide a tailored solution specifically for you. Alternatively, please feel free